Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP Draws Leading Chinese Executives at SEC/FASB Update Seminars
Press Release

New York, January 30, 2013 – Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk, has successfully completed a series of training seminars on 2012 SEC/FASB updates held at three cities in China. Senior Partners at Marcum shared their insight on key technical accounting standards from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and disclosure priorities of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The seminars gathered leading financial executives from over thirty five U.S.- listed Chinese companies including several multinational corporations with over $1 billion in market capitalization to those in the micro and small-cap arena.
The 2012 SEC/FASB update seminar series was conducted over a three day period at leading financial hubs throughout China including Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai. The seminars were offered free of charge to qualified executives, and proved to be extremely popular with each seminar reaching maximum capacity.
“Over the years we’ve made an enormous investment with making sure our staff in China is highly knowledgeable about all of the latest developments in SEC disclosure and new FASB accounting and reporting standards. These seminars offer an opportunity to learn from Marcum’s most senior technical experts and experienced public company accountants in a highly interactive environment,” said Drew Bernstein, co-managing partner of Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk.
“This year we decided to open it up to senior executives from U.S.- listed Chinese companies who want to make sure they are up to speed with the most important issues facing U.S.- listed Chinese companies as they prepare their year-end financial statements and reports. We were extremely thrilled to have leading executives from some of the largest U.S.-listed public companies in China attend and we were very pleased at the overwhelming interest and the range of informed questions and dialogue among the attendees. After the immense success of this year’s seminar series, we look forward to organizing regular training events in the future.”
Topics covered by the seminars included: Frequent SEC comment areas, preparation of pro forma financial information, remarks from senior SEC and FASB officials, segment reporting, SEC Enforcement Action Panel, and securities, regulatory and compliance issues for smaller companies.
About Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP
Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk (MarcumBP), a PCAOB-registered firm, provides a full range of audit and assurance, tax and transaction advisory services for clients in a variety of industries throughout the world. With offices in New York, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hangzhou, MarcumBP provides the expertise, cultural understanding and support needed to efficiently serve and advise our clients. MarcumBP currently provides services to over 30 clients in the China market.
About Marcum LLP
Marcum LLP is one of the largest independent public accounting and advisory services firms in the nation. Ranked among the top 15 firms, Marcum LLP offers the resources of 1,000 professionals, including over 125 partners, in more than 20 offices throughout New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Grand Cayman and China. Headquartered in New York City, the Firm’s presence runs deep with full-service offices strategically located in major business markets. Marcum is a member of the Marcum Group, a family of organizations providing a comprehensive range of professional services including accounting and advisory, technology solutions, wealth management, and executive and professional recruiting. These organizations include Marcum LLP; Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP; MarcumBuchanan Associates LLC; Marcum Cronus Partners LLC; Marcum Financial Services LLC; Marcum Search LLC; and Marcum Technology LLC.