CGTN America Quoted Co-Managing Director Drew Bernstein in an article about the Resurgence of Chinese Companies Coming to the U.S.
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“So now the resurgence is related to Chinese companies coming to market in the U.S. with Chinese investors. So these companies aren’t just coming to the U.S. and thinking they’re going to have capital thrown at them. They’re coming with their checkbook already full from investors from China who are closer to the company, who know and understand it better, and who are in a lot of cases better long-term fits,” McClory said.
Drew Bernstein concurs. He is co-managing partner at Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk, which audited five of the Chinese listings this year.
“And also a lot of the more recent IPOs, they’ve had this little nuance to them in the sense that they’ve had some of these really stellar companies or brand-name companies participating as shareholders. So you’ve had Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu all participating as shareholders in some of these recent IPOs, which I think adds some credibility to them from the investors side,” said Drew Bernstein, Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk Co-Regional Managing Partner