January 29, 2024

Drew Bernstein, co-founder and co-chair, Marcum Asia published an article on Forbes.com regarding Hong Kong and its position as an economic center.

As China’s Economy Slows, Hong Kong Seeks To Redefine Its Future


Bởi Drew Bernstein, Đồng Chủ tịch, MarcumAsia

Drew Bernstein, co-founder and co-chair, Marcum Asia published an article on Forbes.com regarding Hong Kong and its position as an economic center.


Looking forward, Hong Kong promises to have a vital future, but one that is ever more tightly integrated with the Chinese Mainland. Its shining office towers are likely to be increasingly filled with branch offices of Chinese financial institutions. While residency applications by foreign professionals have declined, they have been replaced by applicants from mainland China eager to try their luck in the city under a new talent scheme.

The city has enormous reserves of professional talent able to straddle Chinese business realities and global expectations. This is the primary reason my firm, MarcumAsia, has opened an office in Hong Kong. We couldn’t ignore the unique expertise that was available.

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