Fokus Latihan

Pelaporan SEC
IPO, Merger dan Akuisisi
Uji Tuntas Transaksi
Kepatuhan terhadap Sarbanes-Oxley
Penilaian Pengendalian Internal
Tinjauan Proses Bisnis


BA, Administrasi Bisnis, Akuntansi
Universitas Nasional Cheng Kung (Taiwan)

MS, Akuntansi Profesional
Universitas Seton Hall

Tentang Maggie

Maggie Chiang, partner, has dedicated nearly 20 years to the fields of audit, accounting, and financial management. She has successfully assisted numerous Asian enterprises in their listings, spanning various industries such as life sciences, gaming sectors, technological innovation, manufacturing, logistics, interior decoration, and financial services.

She is proficient in U.S. accounting standards, PCAOB, and SEC requirements, and possesses a deep understanding and insight into accounting standards in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other South-East Asia regions. She is well-versed in the processes for Asian companies listing on the U.S. stock market and De-SPAC listing process, with considerable practical experience in these areas.

With the professional attitude and immense enthusiasm, Ms. Chiang provides comprehensive, efficient, and high-quality services, earning deep trust from her clients.

Afiliasi Profesional & Kemasyarakatan

  • Institut Akuntan Publik Bersertifikat Amerika
  • Masyarakat Akuntan Publik Bersertifikat Negara Bagian New York
  • Masyarakat Akuntan Publik Guam